Help -> Inbox -> Summary

Starting Point: Logged into Manager and navigated to "Manager -> Main -> Inbox".

The Inbox is a tool to help you communicate with your team and your congregation. The Tickets you see in your Inbox depend on your Permissions and on which Person and Group each Ticket is assigned to. Admins can see every Ticket, but Leaders can only see Tickets when they are the Assigned Person or when they are a Coordinator of a Ticket's Assigned Group.

Tickets can be used internally, within the Manager, to help you communicate with your Leadership Team. Tickets can also be used to help your Leadership Team communicate by email with your congregation. There is a separate help article about Creating Tickets that discusses the different types of Tickets are created.

There are many properties of Tickets including the Subject, Assigned Person, Assigned Group, Status, Priority, Tags, Ticket Person, Ticket Icon, Messages (Notes and Replies), Message Icons, and Ticket ID. There are separate help articles about Ticket Properties, Ticket Notes and Replies, Assigned Person/Group, and Icons.

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