Help -> Idea Center -> Archives
Starting Point: Logged into Manager and navigated to "Manager -> Productivity Tools -> Idea Center".
The Archives tab is a place to store Idea Lists and Idea Docs. Below is some key information about Archives.
- To Archive any Idea List or Idea Doc, while viewing it you click the Manage button, and select the Archive option.
- Archiving an Idea List or Idea Doc moves it to the Archives tab.
- You can only Archive Idea Docs that you created, but it is possible to Export an Idea Doc that was created by someone else which you can Archive.
- Archives can't be edited, and they can only be seen by you.
- The only action you can perform on Archives is to Un-Archive them by viewing them, clicking the Manage button, and selecting Un-Archive.
- The Archives tab is useful for keeping things like backups and older versions without cluttering your other Idea Center tabs.
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