Help -> Inbox -> Ticket Properties
Starting Point: Logged into Manager and navigated to "Manager -> Main -> Inbox".
Below is a list of all the Ticket Properties.
- Subject: The subject of a Ticket is determined when the Ticket is created, but you can edit the Ticket to use a Custom Internal Display Message Subject.
- Assigned To Person: This can be an Admin or Leader, and it can also be Unassigned. There is a separate help article about the Assigned To Person/Group.
- Assigned To Group: Assigning a Ticket to a Group enables all Coordinators of that Group to see the Ticket. There is a separate help article about the Assigned To Person/Group.
- Status: You can set the Status of any Ticket to Open, Pending (On Hold), Pending (Review), Pending (Waiting), or Closed.
- Priority: You can set the Priority of any Ticket to Urgent, High, Normal, or Low.
- Tags: Tags are descriptive keywords you can use to help categorize your Tickets. We have a separate help article about Tags (Additional Tools -> Filters and Tags).
- Ticket Person: The Ticket Person is the Person who appears at the top of the Ticket, and it is typically the Person who created the Ticket. For example, when a Web Form is submitted, then a new Ticket is created and the Ticket Person is automatically set to be the Person who submitted the Web Form. We have a separate help article with additional, important information about the Ticket Person.
- Ticket Icon: The Ticket Icon contains important information about how the Ticket was created and how it can be used. We have a separate help article about the information conveyed by the various Icons.
- Message: A Ticket can contain Messages such as Notes, Replies, and System Messages.
- Ticket ID: This is a unique, unchangeable ID that is automatically given to each Ticket.
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